E-Invoice – Reasons for Rejection and Resolutions
Is your e-invoice getting rejected? What could be the reason? Are there any resolutions?
Starting October 1, 2020, all taxpayers registered under GST with a turnover of more than Rs.500 crore need to use e-invoicing. Taxpayers with a turnover of more than Rs.100 crore are expected to stick to the same beginning January 1, 2021. Appropriately, taxpayers with an annual turnover of more than Rs.50 crore must use follow the system of e-invoicing from April 1, 2021.
When reporting invoices to IRP, taxpayers may encounter errors. This article discusses how to avoid common error mistakes when reporting invoices to IRP and how to fix them.
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What is e-Invoicing?
The Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) uses an e-Invoicing method to electronically authenticate B2B invoices. Taxpayers, tax consultants, and other qualifying entities can make use of e-invoice solutions. The experience is straightforward, and it is built on the normal invoicing operation that does not necessitate any expert knowledge.

What are the reasons for e-Invoice rejection and resolutions?
To assist you in resolving errors encountered while uploading e-Invoice to the NIC portal, NIC has provided the following error codes, error reasons, and related resolutions.
To find the necessary error code press Ctrl+F and implement an appropriate solution.
You can also verify the error code on the page published by NIC https://einv-apisandbox.nic.in/api-error-codes-list.html
Vital Errors
Error Code | Error Messege | Reason for Error | Resolution |
1004 | Header GSTIN is required | ||
1005 | Invalid Token | 1. The token is no longer valid. 2. Incorrect GSTIN / User Id / Token proceeded in the request header when calling other APIs. | 1. Token is effective for 6 hours; if yours has expired, contact the Auth. API and request a new token. 2. When calling APIs besides the Auth API, provide the GSTIN, User Id, and Auth Token values in the request headers. |
1006 | User Name is required | ||
1007 | Authentication failed. Pls. inform the helpdesk | The request payload was formed wrongly. | According to the API documentation arrange the request payload. |
1008 | Invalid login credentials | UserId or the Password is incorrect. | Enter the UserId and Password correctly. |
1010 | Invalid Client-ID/Client-Secret | Provided ClientId or ClientSecret in the request header is incorrect. | ClientId and ClientSecret must be entered correctly. |
1011 | Client Id is required | ||
1013 | Decryption of password failed | The password cannot be decrypted by Auth.API. | When calling the Auth API, provide the correct public key for password encryption. The public key is sent via email when access to the Production environment is granted, and it is also available for download from the API user management portal. |
1014 | Inactive User | The GSTIN status is either disabled or not enabled for e-invoices. | Please check the E-Invoice portal to ensure the GSTIN is active and enabled for E-Invoice. |
1015 | Invalid GSTIN for this user | The user GSTIN who created the auth token is not the same as the GSTIN provided in the request header. | For APIs other than the Auth API, provide the accurate GSTIN in the header. |
1016 | Decryption of App Key failed | The password cannot be decrypted by Auth.API. | When calling the Auth API, use the accurate public key to encrypt the appkey. The public key is being sent via email when access to the Production environment is granted, and it is also available for download from the API user management portal. |
1017 | Incorrect user id/ User does not exists | An incorrect user id is passed in the request payload. | Enter the right user id. If it is not accessible, using the main user id please log in to the portal. |
1018 | Client Id is not mapped to this user | The ClientId that is sent as a request header is not mapped to the User Id. | Kindly provide the appropriate userId for the clientId. Please enter the correct client Ids set when using direct integration as well as via GSP or via multiple GSPs. |
1019 | Incorrect Password | Wrong Password. | Use the accurate password; if cannot remember, you can use the portal's forgot password function. |
3001 | Requested data is not available | ||
3002 | Invalid login credentials | ||
3003 | Password should contain at least one upper case, one lower case, one number, and one special character like [%,$,#,@,_,!,*] | Set password is very easy. | At least one upper case, one lower case, one number, and one special character (%,$,#,@,_,!,*) should be included in the password. |
3004 | This username is already registered. Please choose a different username | In the system, the user id is already present. | Change your user id. |
3005 | Requested data is not found | ||
3006 | Invalid Mobile Number | The given phone number is wrong. | Enter the correct phone number. If the number has shifted, you need to update it on the GSTN Common Portal and try again later. If the problem continues, contact the helpdesk with every detail of the problem. |
3007 | You have exceeded the limit of creating sub-users | The maximum number of sub-users that can be created has been exceeded. | For each main GSTIN and additional places of business, up to ten sub-users can be formed. |
3008 | Sub user exists for this user-id | A sub-user with the same user id has already been formed. | For creating a sub-user use a unique user id. |
3009 | Pls provide the required parameter or payload | ||
3010 | The suffix login id should contain 4 or lesser than 4 characters | ||
3011 | Data not Found | ||
3012 | Mobile No. is blank for this GSTIN ..Pl use update from the GST Common Portal option to get the mobile number, if updated in GST Common Portal | The data in GSTIN master data does not include a mobile number in the eInvoice System. | Kindly update your mobile number on the GSTN common portal. |
3013 | Your registration under GST has been canceled, however, if you are a transporter then use the Enrollment option | ||
3014 | GSTIN Not Allowed | ||
3015 | Sorry, your GSTIN is deregistered in GST Common Portal | Trying to use a GSTIN that has been canceled. | Use the GSTN common portal to check the status of your GSTIN. Contact the service desk with the details of GSTIN, If it is active. |
3016 | Your registration under GST is inactive and hence you cannot register, however, if you are a transporter then use the Enrollment option | ||
3017 | You were given a provisional ID which was not activated till the last date. Hence your details are not available with the GST portal. However, if you are a transporter then use the Enrollment option | ||
3019 | Sub-user details are not saved please try again | ||
3020 | Internal Server Error pls try after sometime | ||
3021 | There are no sub-users for this GSTIN | Due to an internal server problem or unexpected user data, some user actions have failed. | If the problem continues try after a while, contact the helpdesk with complete information of the problem. |
3022 | The Given Details Already Exists | ||
3023 | The New PassWord And Old PassWord Cannot Be Same | The new password must not be identical to the previous password when changing it. | When modifying the password, the New and Old passwords should be distinct. |
3024 | Change of password unsuccessful, pls check the existing password | Since the current password provided is wrong, it is not possible to change the password. | When changing the password, pass the appropriate current password. |
3025 | Already This Account Has Been Freezed | Attempting to freeze an account that has already been frozen. | Only active accounts can be freeze. |
3027 | You are already registered Pl. use your already created username and password to log in to the system. If you have forgotten your username or password, then use Forgot Username or Forgot Password options to get the username and password!! | Trying to build a duplicate of an existing account. | If the user name or password is unavailable currently, use the option of "forgot password" to recover it. |
3029 | GSTIN is inactive or canceled | GSTIN has been deactivated or canceled by the taxpayer or department. | Verify the GSTIN's accuracy and status. Use the ‘Sync GSTIN from GST CP' API to get it checked from the GST Portal if you're certain it's active. There will be a new status if it is working on the GST portal. You can re-fire your request to generate the IRN if the status is updated to ‘Active.' In case, you are unable to verify via API, visit einvocie1.gst.gov.in and in the search menu use the ‘Tax Payer / GSTIN' option to manually check verify the status from the GST Portal and, if necessary, use the ‘Update' button for updating from the GST Common Portal. You should re-fire the request if you're happy pleased with the results. |
3030 | Invalid GSTIN | The GSTIN presented is wrong. | Enter the accurate GSTIN. |
3031 | Invalid User Name | Logging attempt with the wrong user-id. | Use the appropriate user id. |
3032 | Enrolled Transporter not allowed this site | A user who is not GSTN registered but has enrolled as a transporter on the E Way Bill portal is attempting eInvoice system login. | This is not permitted. |
3033 | TextYour account has been Freezed as GSTIN is inactive | The user is attempting to log in with a frozen account because the GSTIN is inactive. | On the GSTN common portal can check the GSTIN status. Notify the helpdesk if it is activated in the common portal. |
3034 | Your account has been canceled as GSTIN is inactive | The user is attempting to log in with a canceled account as the GSTIN not being active. | On the GSTN common portal check the GSTIN status. Report it to the helpdesk if it's active in the common portal. |
3035 | Your account has been suspended as GSTIN is inactive | The user is attempting to log in with a suspended account due to the GSTIN not being active. | On the GSTN common portal check the GSTIN status. Report it to the helpdesk if it's active in the common portal. |
3036 | Your account has been inactive | Trying to log in with a user id that isn't active. | Check the user id status if it's frozen, build a new account. |
3037 | CommonEnrolled Transporter not allowed this site | A common enrolled user is attempting to access the eInvoice system. | The GSTIN that has selected common enrolment cannot use the eInvoice system. |
3042 | Invalid From Pincode or To Pincode | The PIN code entered is incorrect. | Make sure you enter the right PIN code. On the portal, look for the PIN code under Search -> Master Codes. |
3043 | Something went wrong, please try again after sometime | Trying to do something on the system or transferring data that isn't expected to be passed. | Kindly double-check the information or operation you just conducted. If the problem continues, please contact the helpdesk with all relevant details. |
3044 | This registration only for taxpayers, not GSP | The option is only open to taxpayers, not to GSPs. | For GSP, this choice is not available or applicable. |
3045 | Sorry you are not registered, please use the registration option | ||
3046 | Sorry you are not enabled for the e-Invoicing System on Production | ||
3052 | TextTransporter Id {0} is cancelled or invalid | ||
3053 | Unauthorised access | ||
3058 | Data not Saved | ||
3059 | Client-Id for this PAN is not generated check your IP-Whitelisting status. | ||
3060 | Please wait for officer approval | ||
3061 | Your Request has been rejected, please register again | ||
3062 | Already Registered | ||
3063 | You are already enabled for e-invoicing | ||
3064 | Sorry, This GSTIN is deregistered | ||
3065 | You are not allowed to use this feature | ||
3066 | There are no pin codes available for this state | ||
3067 | TextClient secret unsuccessful, pls check the existing client secret | ||
3068 | TextThere is no API user | ||
3069 | Sorry, you have not directly integrated with E-invoice API | ||
3070 | Sorry, you have not registered | ||
3071 | Sorry, you have already linked this GSTIN to your Client Id | ||
3072 | Sorry, your GSTIN is not enabled by the Direct Integrator | ||
3073 | You are already registered |

Invoice Errors
Error Code | Error Messege | Reason for Error | Resolution |
2140 | Error while validating invoice | The JSON payload request does not match the presently using eInvoice request schema. | For more details about the API developer portal, go to https://einv-apisandbox.nic.in |
2141 | Error while canceling invoice | When canceling the eInvoice occurrence of some unintended error. | Please verify the payload request and header and try later. If the problem persists, approach the helpdesk with the full request details. |
2142 | Incomplete request parameters | ||
2143 | Invoice does not belong to the user GSTIN | Some operations on IRN are being attempted by a user which doesn't exist to the present logged-in user. | Specific actions like cancel, etc. are not permitted to execute on other IRNs. |
2146 | Unable to create IRN, Pls. try after some time | IRN could not be created at this time due to an unexpected circumstance. | Please attempt after a while. If the problem continues, contact the helpdesk with all the full details. |
2147 | Unable to sign the invoice, Pl try after some time | When signing the invoice, an unforeseen error occurred. | Try again after a while. If the issue appears, notify the helpdesk with all relevant issue details. |
2148 | Requested IRN data is not available | TextThe user is attempting to perform an action on an IRN that does not exist in the eInvoice system. | Verify that the IRN is right or the process has been conducted within the specified time. |
2150 | Duplicate IRN | Trying to register a document that has already been registered and for which an IRN has been created. | Don't send out the same request simultaneously. As a consequence, one request will return the error ‘Duplicate IRN request.' The only way to stop firing IRN requests for the same request several times is to upgrade your system with the IRN number when the response arrives. Check the IRN next time, and if not present, then fire for IRN. |
2154 | IRN details are not found | When seeking IRN information, this error occurs if the user changes the Doc number, Doc Date, or Doc Type after the IRN has been generated. | Don't send out several requests at the same time. As a consequence, one request will return the error ‘Duplicate IRN request.' The only way to stop firing IRN requests for the same request several times is to upgrade your system with the IRN number after the response arrives. Check the IRN next time, and if it isn't available, then fire for IRN. |
2155 | Supplier GSTIN is required | The supplier GSTIN for the request payload is unavailable. | GSTIN is mandatory for suppliers. |
2156 | Invalid format – fromDate(The correct format is dd/mm/yyyy) | The user is specifying the inappropriate date format for fromDate. | Dates should be formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. Kindly go through the JSON schema request. |
2157 | Invalid format – to Date (The correct format is dd/mm/yyyy) | The user has specified the inappropriate date format for to Date. | Dates should be formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. Please go through the JSON schema request. |
2159 | Invalid value for reverse charge applicable field | For the attribute to pass if the reverse charge is applicable, an invalid value was sent. | Please go through the JSON schema request. |
2162 | Reverse Charge is not applicable for this transaction | Trying to place ‘Reverse Charges Applicable' for transactions that aren't B2B. | Evaluate the ‘Reverse Charges Applicable' attribute whether it corresponds to the current transaction type. |
2163 | The document date should not be a future date. | Trying to set the date of document to a future date. | Identify the date of the document being passed. |
2169 | Request for IRN is neither from supplier GSTIN or e-Commerce GSTIN | GSTIN of the logged-in user does not fit the GSTIN of the supplier or eCommerce GSTIN. | When a supplier registers an invoice, the GSTIN provided in the request header must match the GSTIN of the supplier. If an invoice is registered by an eCommerce operator, the header GSTIN must match the GSTIN of the eCommerce operators in the request payload. |
2172 | For Intra-state transaction, IGST amount is not applicable; only CGST and SGST amounts are applicable | For intra-state transactions, the amount of IGST is provided, thus CGST and SGST are applicable. | Evaluate the current transaction applicable taxes. If the state code of the recipient's Point of Supply (POS) is identical to the supplier's state code, the CSGT and SGST apply. |
2173 | You have exceeded the limit of the number of items | The request payload was passed with an additional number of items by the user. | Check the number of line items that are being passed. For a broad range of items, please comply with the relevant API. If that API's limit is also exceeded, approach the helpdesk with the details of the invoice. |
2174 | For inter-state transaction, CGST, and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable | Interstate transactions are subject to the CGST and SGST taxes. | Check the taxes that apply to your current transaction. IGST applies if the state code of the recipient Point of Supply (POS) differs from the supplier state code. Please verify the details. |
2176 | HSN code(s)-{0} is invalid | The HSN code is incorrect. | Check the HSN code that is being passed and double-checks the HSN code is accurate on the e-invoice portal. If E you claim it is precise, submit the information to the helpdesk for e-invoice system side verification. |
2177 | Unit Quantity Code(s)-{0} is/are not as per master | The passed unit code is invalid. | Please enter the correct unit code as specified in the e-invoice master. In the portal, identify the right unit code under Search -> Master codes. If the unit code does not match with the unit you require, you may need to convert the unit to one existing unit from the unit code master list. |
2182 | Taxable value of all items is not equal to the total taxable value | The total of all product taxable amounts should equal the taxable amount at the invoice level. | Validation of the taxable value can be found checked in the request payload. The total taxable value equals All line items' taxable value. |
2183 | SGST value of all items is not equal to total SGST Value | The total SGST value on all products should match the SGST amount on the invoice level. | The SGST value validation can be checked on the request payload. |
2184 | CGST value of all items must be equal to total CGST value | All items' CGST sum amount should match the CGST amount on the invoice level. | The CGST value validation can be identified in the request payload. |
2185 | IGST value of all items must be equal to total IGST Value | The total IGST amount for all items should match the IGST amount at the invoice level. | The IGST value validation can be identified in the request payload. |
2186 | Cess value of all items must be equal to total Cess Value | The sum of all items Cess amounts should match the invoice level Cess amount. | The Cess value validation can be checked in the request payload. |
2187 | State Cess Value of all items must be equal to total State CessValue | The sum of all items State Cess amounts shall equal the State Cess amount at the invoice level. | Validation of the State Cess value can be identified in the request payload. |
2189 | Total Invoice Value is not matching with the calculated value | The total value of the invoice level has not been evaluated according to the passed values. | The total value of the invoice level is equivalent to the sum of all total item values and other charges minus discount with a tolerance limit of +/- One. Kindly refer to the sandbox portal validations. |
2192 | Total Amt value should be equal to (Qty * UnitPrice) for HSN {0} | The specified item total amount is wrong. | The total sum of the item level will be the product of quantity and unit price. |
2193 | For Sl. No. {0}, Taxable Value (AssAmt) value is not equal to (TotAmt – Discount) | The amount of assessable passed for the specified item is incorrect. | The assessable amount for the specified item should be calculated by subtracting the discount from the overall amount. |
2194 | For Sl. No {0}, Total item value does not match with taxable and tax values of that item | The wrong Total item value is passed. | The total item value should be the assessable value sum, all tax and cess values, and other costs with a tolerance limit of +/- One. Please refer to the portal's validations. |
2195 | e-Commerce GSTIN is not registered as TCS-GSTIN | The passed eCommerce GSTIN is not associated with the type Tax Collector. | Use the common portal to check the GSTIN type. If the error still occurs when for TCS in the common portal, notify the helpdesk with the details of GSTIN. |
2200 | State code {0} is invalid for dispatch details or ship details | In dispatch or ship information, the state code that is passed is incorrect. | Search -> Master Codes in the portal for state codes. |
2201 | Invalid Port Code | In dispatch or ship information, the port code that is passed is incorrect. | Search -> Master Codes in the portal for port codes. |
2202 | Invalid Country Code | In dispatch or ship information, the passed country code is wrong. | Refer to the country codes in the portal- Search -> Master Codes. |
2203 | Invalid Foreign Currency | In dispatch or ship information, an incorrect foreign currency code is passed. | For Foreign Currency Codes in the portal - Search -> Master Codes. |
2211 | Supplier and recipient GSTIN should not be the same | Both the GSTIN for supplier and buyer is the same. | Self-generated invoices are not permitted for generating E-invoice. |
2212 | The recipient GSTIN cannot be URP for supply type {0} | For B2B transactions, the Un-Registered Individual (URP) is passed incorrectly. | Correct GSTIN must be provided in this type of transaction. |
2213 | The supplier GSTIN cannot be URP | The GSTIN for the Supplier has been set as URP. | GSTIN of the supplier cannot be URP. |
2218 | The date must be lesser or equal to today's date (or) please check the date format | A date is provided that does not fall within the intended range. | Today or yesterday's date should be provided. |
2219 | The from date should be equal or earlier than the to date | From date places as a future date. | From date cannot be set as a future date. |
2225 | Incorrect date format in document details | The date format of the document is incorrect. | Date format in the document should be dd/mm/yyyy. |
2226 | You are not authorized to get IRN data | The user is attempting to obtain IRN information that he is not permitted to. | |
2227 | For Sl. No {0}, SGST and CGST amounts are not equal | The CGST and SGST amounts for the specified item are not the same. | CGST and SGST amounts for the specified item should be the same. |
2228 | Item list cannot be empty | The item list contains no items. | The item list must contain at least one item. |
2230 | This IRN cannot be canceled because an E-way bill has been generated, you can cancel the E-way bill and then try canceling IRN | An IRN with an active E Way Bill has been tempted to be canceled by a user. | The related E Way Bill must be canceled before the IRN is canceled. First, cancel the E Way Bill, then cancel the IRN. |
2231 | Cannot generate e-Invoice as the supplier GSTIN – {0} is SEZ | A user with SEZ GSTIN is attempting to create an e-Invoice. | e-Invoice is not appropriate for suppliers of SEZ. |
2232 | POS is incorrect for {0} transaction | Other than 96 POS is sent For the stated type of transaction. | For POS state code for the specified type of transaction, submit Other Country code (96). |
2233 | Duplicate SI numbers are not allowed in line items | In the item list, a duplicate serial number has been passed for the items. | In an invoice, the item serial number in the item list needs to be unique. |
2234 | For Sl. No {0}, SGST and CGST amount passed does not match with taxable value and tax rate | SGST and CGST amounts for specified items are passed incorrect in the item list. | The amount of SGST and CGST must be passed with the correct values. For that line item, the SGST and CGST values should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate / 2] with a tolerance limit of +/- One. |
2235 | For Sl. No {0}, IGST amount passed is not matching with taxable value and tax rate | For the specified item in the item list, the passed IGST number is wrong. | The IGST amount must be passed with the correct value. For that line item, the IGST value should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate] with a tolerance limit of +/- One. |
2238 | For Sl. No {0}, Quantity is not passed | The quantity value for the specified item is missing from the item list. | Send the item specifies quantity. |
2239 | For Sl. No {0}, Unit Quantity Code (UQC) is not passed | The unit value for the specified item is missing from the item list. | Send the specified item-unit value. |
2240 | For Sl. No {0}, GST rate of tax is incorrect or not as notified | GST rate passed for specified items is wrong in the list of items. | The GST rate must be passed with the right value. The standard tax rates are 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 18, and 28, respectively. |
2242 | Recipient POS is incorrect for transaction type {0} | POS passed for the specified transaction type is 96 – Other Country. | POS cannot be 96 for the specified type of transaction, enter a correct state code. Please verify the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes. |
2243 | POS code is invalid | POS has been given an invalid state code. | For POS, enter a valid state code. Please see the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes. |
2244 | Recipient Pincode is not provided for the transaction – {0} | For the specified type of transaction, the PIN code under recipient is missing. | PIN code is mandatory under Recipient information for the specified type of transaction.Recepient cannot be SEZ for – {0} transaction |
2246 | Recepient cannot be SEZ for – {0} transaction | For the specified transaction type, SEZ GSTIN has been provided as GSTIN in Recipient information. | The GSTIN of SEZ cannot be used as the GSTIN in the recipient information for the given type of transaction. |
2247 | Recipient should be SEZ for transaction {0} | In the Recipient information for the specified transaction type, a non-SEZ GSTIN has been provided as the GSTIN. | GSTIN in Recipient Information should be of SEZ for the specified transaction type. |
2248 | Recipient has to be URP in case of Export transactions | The GSTIN recipient has not been set to ‘URP' in the export case. | Recipient Information GSTIN should be ‘URP' in the export case. |
2249 | Combination of goods and service items are not allowed for interstate transaction with POS same as the supplier state | For interstate transactions, the items list includes entries for goods and services. | For interstate transactions, both goods and services items are not permitted on the same invoice. |
2255 | Requested Payload is empty | Received empty payload. | Provide correct payload in the request. |
2256 | Invalid Signature | The data has been modified or an incorrect public key has been used to verify the signed content. | Ascertain that the correct public key is being used to verify the signed information. The public keys which are utilized for particular time periods can be downloaded from the portal. |
2257 | Invalid Credentials for respective IRN | ||
2258 | Supplier GSTIN state code does not match with the state code passed in supplier details | In the Supplier information, the state code and the first two digits of the GSTIN provided do not match. | The GSTIN's first two digits must match the state code passed in the Supplier information. |
2259 | Invalid supplier state code | Entered state code is incorrect in the Supplier Information. | In the supplier details enter the proper State code. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for state code master. |
2260 | The recipient state code is invalid | The state code entered in the recipient detail is incomplete. | In the Recipient Details area enter the accurate state code. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for Master of State Codes. |
2261 | The recipient state code is incorrect for {0} transaction | For the specified transaction type, a state code besides 96 is sent under Recipient Information. | For the specified type of transaction, under Recipient Information send Other Country code (96) for State code. |
2262 | For Intra-state supply, IGST cannot be charged | Intra value IGST is put down to ‘Y,' under Supplier Details and POS different state codes are listed. | When Intra value IGST is set to ‘Y,' the transaction should be intra-state, and the State code under Supplier Details should match the POS under Recipient Details. |
2265 | Recipient GSTIN state code does not match with the state code passed in recipient details | In the Recipient information, the state code and the first two GSTIN digits do not match. | GSTIN's first two digits should match the state code provided in the recipient information. |
2266 | For Sl. No {0}, Cess amount passed does not match with the calculated value | For the specified line item, the incorrect Cess sum is passed. | For the specified line item, the correct Cess amount needs to be passed. |
2267 | For Sl. No {0}, State Cess amount passed is not as per the calculated value | For the specified line item, the wrong State Cess amount is provided. | For the specified line item, the correct State Cess amount must be provided. |
2268 | IGST on Intrastate supply is not applicable to export/SEZ transactions | For the transactuins of export and SEZ, the Intra IGST has been set. | For export and SEZ transactions, IGST on Intra value could not be ‘Y'. |
2269 | Recipient state code is incorrect for transaction type {0} | The State code in the Recipient Details provided for the specified transaction type is 96 – Other Country. | State code provided in recipient information for the specified type of transaction cannot be 96, provide a correct state code. Please see the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes. |
2270 | The allowed cancellation time limit is crossed, you cannot cancel the IRN | Tried IRN cancellation after a time limit. | Only in the time limit user can cancel IRN. |
2271 | SHIP TO – state code is not a valid state code for B2B, SEZ, and Deemed Export transactions | Under Ship To details for B2B, SEZ, and Deemed export transactions an invalid State code is provided. | Under Ship To Details right state code should be placed for B2B, SEZ, and Deemed export transactions. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for appropriate State codes. |
2272 | SHIP TO – PIN code cannot be 999999 for B2B, SEZ, and Deemed Export transactions | For B2B, SEZ, and Deemed Export transactions set PIN code is 999999 under Ship To Information. | For B2B, SEZ, and Deemed export transactions passed PIN code should be correct under Ship To Details. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for relevant PIN codes. |
2273 | Dispatch from PIN code cannot be 999999 | For B2B, SEZ, and Deemed Export transactions, the set PIN code is 999999 in the Dispatch From Details. | For B2B, SEZ, and Deemed export transactions, the PIN code should be passed correctly under Dispatch From Details. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for correct PIN codes. |
2274 | Recipient PIN code cannot be 999999 for {0} transaction | For the specified transactions type, the PIN code has been set to 999999 in the Recipient Details. | For the specified transaction type, the PIN code passed should be correct under Recipient Information. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for correct PIN codes. |
2275 | Recipient PIN code should be 999999 for Direct Export | For specified transaction types, the PIN code under Recipient Details has been set to other than 999999. | For the specified transaction type, the PIN code as 999999 should be entered under Recipient Information. |
2276 | Supplier PIN code cannot be 999999 | 999999 has been entered as the PIN code under Supplier Information. | Under Supplier Information, the correct PIN code must be entered. Visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes for correct PIN codes. |
2277 | E-Commerce Operator has to pass supplier GSTIN in the header to cancel the IRN | The GSTIN of the supplier is lacking in the header, and the IRN is being canceled by the eCommerce operator. | Supplier GSTIN should be placed in the request header when the IRN is being canceled by the eCommerce operator. |
2278 | IRN is already generated and is canceled for this Document number. The duplicate IRN cannot be generated for the same number | ||
2279 | Invalid schema version | ||
2280 | Invalid document type | ||
2281 | Invalid document number | ||
2282 | Invalid document date format | ||
2283 | IRN details cannot be provided as it is generated more than {0} days prior | When attempting to obtain IRN information after three days, the user receives this error. | Note: e-Invoice support for obtaining IRN information is currently limited to three days from the date of generation. NIC has the ability to change this in the future. |
2284 | IRN cannot be generated for the document date which is prior to 1st October 2020 | ||
2285 | Invalid value for IGST on Intra field | ||
3026 | E-Invoice Options are not enabled for this GSTIN -{0} | ||
3028 | GSTIN -{0} is invalid | In the e-invoice system, the GSTIN of the recipient is invalid or does not exist. | Verify that the GSTIN is right. If you're certain it's correct, use the 'Sync GSTIN from GST CP' API to obtain it from the GST Portal. It will return you with the information if in the GST portal it is available. Your request can be re-fire to create the IRN if you get the information. If you are unable to verify via API, go to portal einvocie1.gst.gov.in and use the ‘Tax Payer / GSTIN' option inside the search menu to manually check the status from the GST Portal, then to get it updated use the ‘Update' button from the GST Common Portal. You should re-fire the request if you're pleased with the results. |
3029 | GSTIN -{0} is inactive or canceled | ||
3038 | {0} details Details:Pincode-{1} does not exists | ||
3039 | Pincode -{1} of {0} does not belong to his/her State – {2} | ||
3040 | Buyer or Ship Details: Pincode – {0} does not exist | ||
3041 | Buyer or Ship Details: Pincode -{0} does not belong to the state-{1} | ||
3047 | The HSN – {0} does not belong to Goods | The HSN code provided for goods is not a valid HSN code. | They are always assigned to service (SAC Code) in Chapter No. 99.
3048 | The HSN – {0} does not belong to Service | The SAC Code provided for services is not a valid SAC code. | HSN should not begin with 99. Check the stock item master to ensure that the Type of supply is selected to "Goods," and then check the Sales ledger to ensure that the Type of supply is configured to "Goods." |
3074 | GSTIN – {0} is cancelled and document date – {1} is later than DRegistration Date | ||
3075 | GSTIN- {0} is canceled and DERegistration Date is not available | ||
SYS_5001 | Application Error, Please Contact the help desk |
e-way Bill Errors
Error Code | Error Messege |
4000 | Status of the IRN is not active |
4001 | An error occurred while creating Eway Bill |
4002 | EwayBill is already generated for this IRN |
4003 | Requested IRN data is not available |
4004 | Error while retrieving IRN details |
4005 | Eway Bill details are not found |
4006 | Requesting parameter cannot be empty |
4007 | Requested e-Way Bill is not available |
4008 | Please enter a valid e-waybill number |
4009 | E Way Bill can be generated provided at least HSN of one item belongs to goods |
4010 | E-way Bill cannot be generated for Debit Note, Credit Note, and Services |
4011 | Vehicle number should be passed in case of transportation mode is Road |
4012 | The transport document number should be passed in case of transportation mode is other than Road |
4013 | The distance between the pin codes given is too high or low |
4014 | Invalid Vehicle Number |
4015 | EWayBill will not be generated for blocked User -{0} |
4016 | Transport document date cannot be a future date |
4017 | Incorrect date format |
4018 | Invalid Transporter ID |
4019 | Provide Transporter ID in order to generate Part A of e-Way Bill |
4020 | Invalid vehicle type |
4021 | Transporter document date cannot be earlier than the invoice date |
4022 | Vehicle type should be passed in case of transportation mode is Road |
4023 | The transport document date should be passed in case of transportation mode is other than Road |
4024 | Vehicle type should not be ODC when transmode is other than road |
4025 | Invalid User-Id |
4026 | Duplicate EwayBill for the given document number, EwbNo – ({0}) |
4027 | Transporter Id is mandatory for generation of Part A slip |
4028 | Transport mode is mandatory as Vehicle Number/Transport Document Number is given |
4029 | Valid distance to be sent in case of same pin codes, you cannot send 0 as distance in this case |
4030 | The distance between the pin codes {0} and {1} is not available in the system, you need to pass the actual distance |
4031 | Ship to details is mandatory for export transactions to generate an e-Way Bill |
4032 | Ship to state code cannot be other country code(96) for e-Way Bill generation |
4033 | Ship to PIN code cannot be 999999 for e-Way Bill generation |
4034 | Since you passed Supplier/Recipient/Dispatch from/Ship to Pincode as 999999, distance cannot be 0 |
4035 | Dispatch state code cannot be other country code(96) for e-Way Bill generation |
4036 | Dispatch PIN code cannot be 999999 for e-Way Bill generation |
4037 | You are not authorized to get data |
4038 | The distance between the pin codes given is too high |
How TallyPrime helps in generating e-invoice?
TallyPrime offers a seamless experience that does not demand any extra expertise to configure/generate business e-Invoices. The information from your e-invoice should be represented in GSTR-1 once it’s generated. Taxpayers, tax consultants, and other qualifying parties could use TallyPrime’s e-invoice solution.
For instance, all you have to do is record your sales transactions and your e-invoice needs will be dealt with in the same process. Primary information like IRN, Ack No., QR code, and e-Way Bill no., etc will be automatically updated in the vouchers, and you can print them. TallyPrime will also make sure that the company accounts and compliance requirements are addressed appropriately.
TallyPrime also allows you to create bulk e-invoices for multiple invoices. If you are not willing to generate the e-invoice when recording the transaction, you can pick one or more transactions from the e-Invoice report and as per your convenience generate the IRN. All online e-invoicing requests pass through Tally GSP (TIPL). The best aspect is that you won’t need any more software or plugins to take advantage of the e-invoicing benefit in TallyPrime.

How to enable e-Invoicing in TallyPrime?
To use TallyPrime’s e-invoicing benefits, you must first allow the e-invoicing facility in your company features. The e-invoicing options can then be configured, and e-invoices can be generated.
1. To open the Company GST Details screen: Press F11 and Choose Yes for Enable Goods and Services (GST).
2. Adjust the e-Invoicing applicable option to Yes. The following e-invoicing options will now be visible:
a. Applicable from- Place the date from which your transactions will be eligible for e-invoicing.
b. Bill from Place– Indicate supplies location where they were billed. This may be the same as or distinct from the shipped place of your supplies, based on your company operations.
c. Default period for the e-Invoice report – Choose the time period for which the transactions in the e-Invoice report would be shown. According to department regulations, e-invoices must be created within 72 hours of billing till it will be set to 3 days by default. TallyPrime, on the other hand, offers to arrange a period between 1 and 31 days, depending on your business needs.
d. Send e-Way Bill details with e-Invoice – TallyPrime offers the ability to create an e-Way Bill in addition to an e-invoice. If it would be valuable to your business then you may activate this option to send this information together.
Accept the display. To save the details, press Ctrl+A as usual.
For a successful e-invoicing systems implementation, taxpayers may review common error messages mentioned above with potential solutions. If you want an ultimate performance of your tally version, host your Tally on Cloud. For any query visit Tallystack.in.
Can e-Invoice (JSON export) offline export be used after the expiry of TSS?
Yes, even TSS has expired after updating to TallyPrime Release 1.1, you can still use offline JSON export.
How to create an e-Way Bill with an e-Invoice?
For all e-Invoice transactions, you can create an online e-Way Bill along with an IRN (Invoice Reference Number). It is only relevant to Sales (INV). NIC does not endorse the e-Way Bill generation with an e-Invoice for sales return/sales escalations (Credit/Debit Notes).
Confirm that Generate e-Way Bill along with e-Invoice is adjusted to Yes in F12 configuration when generating online e-Invoice and voucher saving.
Ensure that Generate e-Way Bill along with e-Invoice is configured to Yes in the feature of F11 Company when generating bulk e-Invoice from the preview of the e-Invoice report.
When synchronizing data between head office and branches will e-Invoice information also get synchronized?
Yes, While synchronizing or importing data, the e-Invoice details—IRN, Ack No., QR code—will be the transaction information part. According to the synchronization settings, information is submitted to the server or clients.